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Welcome to my site! My name is Bulolo Jonga. If this is your first time here, or you’ve read something of mine, read this introduction so you can get to know me a little better and understand where my energy comes from. However, whether or not you leave here with more understanding is up for debate. Enjoy the process.

Who Am I?

I am Bulolo Jonga, exactly what my name is. I’m also much grander than that identity. I am all things, and nothing (read: no-thing) at the same time. I like to play with this sense of identity. The REAL question is who are you? Who are you really?

And I don’t mean what your name is or what you do. I mean: Who are you? Do you know? Most of us don’t. Many struggle to answer that question. However, I reminded myself of who I really am, and who I am is no different from who you are. Of course, that requires you know who you are.

Why I Am Here

My ultimate purpose is to bring humanity back into human beings. Growing up I felt ignorant, ugly, and hopeless. I believed in etiquette, chivalry, and being kind to others. However, I learned those beliefs were punishable by my environment.

Being good to others opened me to attack, while others put up facades and were praised & supported. It seemed being a good human warranted no awards, recognition, or value. I knew deep down something was off with the world. I couldn’t figure out what or why that was.

I didn’t know why I failed to connect with others while those who pretended did better. I tried being the best I could be and failed more times than succeeded. My attempts at being more were shut down by many of my peers and even some adults. I was told I needed to be a certain way, and what I was shooting for wasn’t cutting it.

With no other explanation available, I believed I was the problem. Soon I shutdown my own attempts at becoming more. I grew unworthy of human contact. Shortly after, I came within inches of giving up on life.

Then, a father figure came into my life and invested in me. He encouraged me to shine, advising me to do so in my own way. He taught me not to waste my gifts shooting for mediocrity or what some “wiser” person might say. He taught me that I wasn’t the problem, rather, I was the solution. That experience activated my drive and desire to be beyond my situations.

I transformed my ignorance to power through my desire to understand human motivation and behavior. 3 short years later, I found myself graduating from a prestigious boarding school and running my first sales organization. We not only sold health & wellness products, we sold community advancement, education, and hope. Hope that there’s a better way to live than the scripts we’re fed by society.

I realized I was right about my deep feelings about the world. I realized that the world teaches us to live life like 2+2 = 5,  even though we (by this point) know damn well it is 4. Until that point, I went along with this script skeptical that things weren’t as they seem. I was living by someone else’s rules of pretend that weren’t meant for me to win. I knew there a was better way to live, and for the first time, I found better.

While I eventually exited that business, I didn’t exit that mission. I recognized that, without those events, I would still live my life pretending 2+2=5. I would live for someone else’s benefit, not my own. I would’ve continued to believe this false reality. And, most importantly, I wouldn’t have been the only one. I saw many were living without proper guidance. Many lacked respect for other humans individuality. Many suffered. And those who could’ve done something, didn’t. Until we choose a new reality, we will continue to live in this falsehood. Through my spiritual practice of thinking, I found this truth within myself and now I walk the path of my dreams and create my life by design. Now having activated this state, I help others activate that from within themselves via everything I do.

What Do I Do?

I maximize the value of my gifts in as many opportunities as possible. As such, I do many things. I exercise. I write. I think. I create content. I live life. I have fun. I feel emotions. I utilize skills I’ve developed to do all those things. That’s where my focus is.

While I conduct myself in a professional way, I’m not attached to one profession enough to declare that’s what I do. For example, I’m an adept social media manager & influencer yet don’t claim that to be all that I do. I’m a great marketer but don’t claim that to be all that I do. I’m a great connector, but don’t claim that to be all that I do. I invest, but do not declare that to be all I do. I’ve done various things, like I mention on my formal “about me” page, but that’s not all I claim to have done. Instead of specializing in one thing, I cultivate core skills to work on various projects. This is a different way of thinking.

Ultimately, I utilize core skills to live a prosperous way of life; a life lived on purpose. I practice my teachings in this way.  I also act as your great friend in this way. As a practitioner, I do all this to demonstrate a way of being worth emulating, one that is aligned with who you really are. I do so because I believe no one in your life has this effect on you. You would be doing more for yourself and others otherwise.

Why I Made This Site

I made this site to show you that 2+2= 4 in various ways. As I mentioned before, many are living convinced that 2+2=5 in their lives even after learning the truth that it’s 4. We all know the truth. We all know we can live the truth. Now, by inviting you to participate in my process, I’m giving us permission to be the truth: Being who we truly are.

For the last few years, I’ve used social media to cultivate this activation space. I succeeded in that goal as my page became its own timeless teaching platform. I decided it was time to build a timeless teaching platform of my own. A platform that I could use to go deeper than I can on social media sites. Deeper with my thoughts, wisdom, and personality. Deeper with myself. Deeper with you.

This site is the next evolution in that experience. An experimental platform to grow. To just be. All my content is geared towards activating the true self, the one that knows 2+2= 4. The activation is necessary for you to be who you truly are and create with the gifts you’ve been blessed with. That’s all. No gimmicks. No bullshit. Maybe a little. You must find out for yourself.

What You Should Do Next

1) Leave your email below or click here to receive exclusive insights, freebies, and updates.

2) Read my thoughts, wisdom, & ideas on my blog and participate in the conversation.

3) Do you seek the truth? Then you’re ready to Break The Illusion with my latest book available here.

4) Follow my social accounts linked below.

I look forward to engaging with you.