Why You Need to Put Yourself Out There NOW
As the first post on this site, it’s important to address why you need to put yourself out there.
In a world run by the sharing of ideas (yes this actually is how the world runs), not sharing your own unique ideas limits you to all the possibilities you are capable of accomplishing. But this isn’t just some motivational talk for those needing a quick addiction hit. This is serious. This is truth at its rawest. If you are not voicing yourself, you do not matter.
Think about those who have done great things within this universe. Steve Jobs, Drake, MLK, the wright brothers, Andrew Carnegie, Benjamin Franklin and the likes. These are a subset of people who put themselves out in front of an audience and grew to be individuals recorded in our history books of their respective fields. Now ask yourself, did these people get there by just keeping their talents to themselves? (if you say something other than no, then don’t read any further).
To do anything at any level you must do. Action is the only thing that will get you to be noticed by somebody. In this fast-moving society where technology and social media run the scene, ideas can come and go within a blink of an eye. YouTube/vine/Snapchat heroes known after 3 months of consistency and lose their fame to the attention of someone else who just popped up. While it seems like an uphill battle (and contrary to the point), it’s the perfect time for you to spark people’s attention. You can say/write/act/sing/perform something and it has the power to catch public attention within moments and you become KNOWN for something. Also if you are speaking on something you actually care about, you’ll gain an audience seeking to connect and learn from you (even if you are complete newcomer to the niche scene they follow). You can become an Authority in your own lane relatively quickly (compared to previous times). If you play your cards right, people will want to PAY you for the expression of your ideas. Not bad at all if you ask me.
More importantly, you are expressing who you are. This (more than anything else in the world) is reason enough to put yourself out to the world. You know this feeling without having me need to explain it. You know that you seek to bring this feeling in everything and know when you aren’t doing so. Even if what you express seems wrong to others, you secretly feel great that you had that experience.
So its time to express yourself. Now I say this knowing that we have skeptical minds. But what if ____? What if this goes wrong?… Well let me stop you there and bring up some of the general things you are thinking:
“What if what I have to say/express offends someone?”
Then you really don’t matter. Someone who chooses to let others views dictate their own expression of ideas shouldn’t be allowed to be the voice of impact on others. Sounds harsh but when you understand why (which I will generously share with you in this moment) you’ll thank me for sharing.
Think about the last time you had to make a decision in your life. It could have been “what kind of clothes to wear to an event” decision to “how will I enforce gun control laws that fit to the character of our country” decision. If you sought out council from a trusted individual on those decisions (which I know many people have), how much do they actually care about the results of the decision?
As it turns out, it only matters as much to who you ask as it affects who you ask. It has NOTHING to do with how much YOU care about the result of this decision. In fact, I GUARANTEE they won’t care about the result in the way you do. If you pick the green based outfit with red socks, while you may feel silly and think its wrong, they’ll tell you “it looks fine.” If you suggest creating environments for people suffering, someone else may comment that “those people are fine. They just need to stop being lazy.”
As people, we don’t operate from a standpoint in which we fully understand those outside of ourselves. MANY PEOPLE DON’T EVEN KNOW THEMSELVES. This is to no specific fault, but realize that no one will care more about your ideas than you do. To them, your idea may be “cool” “well received” or “awesome” but only you know the true power of what you are sharing. In all situations like this, it’s not you unless you decided fully on it.
If you actually listened to others, without your own process involved, then everything you share will be misaligned (at some point if you are fortunate to have it work in the beginning). But ultimately, it’s not you. And the choice to act (or not act) based on anything other than your own council leads to you become a product of the choices of others rather than your own. If you operate on your own choices, you’ll get to where you want by your own design. If you operate on other’s choices, you’ll get to where wherever you go by default.
Having others’ council is good for perspective but it all should come around to your own thinking. If not you should not express it. Someone will listen if you do. Their lives will take a shift from what you have said (for better or worse). And no matter the result, you will not be proud of allowing the process happen because it wasn’t your original creation. So figure out that out before even getting the expression phase started.
“What if my idea isn’t good?”
Even more reason for you to share it. If you are not comfortable with an idea, that means you are seeking to understand the root of the idea. Having dialogue and presenting opportunities for others to relate to your ideas help you refine and unearth what you were searching for in the first place. Now I understand in the 21st century people are compelled to have a “false courage” to attack others ideas with little consequence and that discourages people from voicing certain things. Facebook has allowed this to become a popular thing when politics and policy issues take storm over certain crowds. To that understanding I am not suggesting you go out of your way to piss people off or to just throw things out there until something sticks. However, there are places you all around you where can share ideas without having frequent personal attacks. These places will help you expand these ideas and can make them into worthwhile life changing events.
“But I’m scared”
Well. Then it’s time for you to work through that fear. Everyone starts somewhere (as cliché as it sounds). When starting this page, I had to begin somewhere. At a point in time, you’ll have to realize your fear for doing ____ is the only thing holding you from accomplishing it. There’s only two things that will get you to start, 1)the will power to jump-start the process 2) reaching the threshold of pain of not accomplishing anything. Most people wait until they reach this breaking point. But I’m believing you are not most people. So there’s nothing else on this but to start NOW.
“But I don’t even know where to start”
Start by getting started. Make a decision and follow through with it. It can be to start a site. It can be to start a social media page. It can be to buy a beginners book in whatever. It can be to use the bathroom before writing the first thought of what you want to share. You will have to create the habit of making prompt and productive decisions if you even want a chance to let who you desire to be have a chance to breathe.
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